
The mind is a collection of thoughts and perceptions and interpretations of our life experiences. They pool together to develop a consciousness of their own that becomes a filter through which we process our life.

Buddhists call it the chattering monkey. They believe that the mind is the source of all suffering. It will not stop running our lives until we learn how to tame it through becoming accountable for our thoughts, words and actions. 

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The human body is the vehicle that our spirit uses to experience the physical realm. It comes with a “best before,” and an “expiry date.” If it did not expire it would become a prison for our soul. We came with the capability to heal our body. It is stamped into our DNA. Many ancient cultures have practiced the belief of self healing for thousands of years.

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Our spirit holds the collective wisdom from many lifetimes before this one. This forms our intuition, that little voice inside our head that tries to steer us in the right direction.

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