Spirit is our natural form of being
Although there have been many different belief systems throughout history, they often have a common thread between them. That is the belief that we are spirits having a physical experience and that spirit is our natural form of being.
When we acknowledge our spirit, we acknowledge our higher-self, our true-self.
Many believe that the evolution of our spirit over countless physical incarnations is our true lifetime. This current life we are living is only one chapter in the story of our progression towards spiritual enlightenment.
Our spirits came here to gain experiential knowledge in the physical realm. It requires us to focus on helping it have the best opportunity to learn and grow in this lifetime.
The spirit feels psychological pain. When we experience traumatic life events, a piece of our spirit can break away from us and live in the energy of that moment in an endless, timeless loop.
This soul fragment is in a state of constant suffering, and because it is part of us, this means that we feel its pain. This is how an event that happened many years ago can still have an impact on us in our daily lives.
The shamanic practitioner is guided into the dark realms to find the fragment and bring it awareness, understanding and compassion in an effort to heal it and gain its trust. Once this has been accomplished, the soul piece is encouraged to come forward in time to be reintegrated with us in the present.
We heal our fragmented pieces from the past and bring them back to us so that we can be whole again.
A soul journey can be ten minutes or less in duration, but the positive impact can last a lifetime.
When we heal our spirit, the mind and body will often heal as a result.
Book your free consultation with me so that we can talk about finding your missing soul pieces and returning them to you.
Let's make you whole again.
Trespassing spirits
I have been visited by spirits since I was a child.
Not all are welcomed encounters.
Some are lost and look to us to help them cross over.
Some are attached to their past life on earth and want to tell us their stories in hopes we will hear them and create a sense of validation for them.
Some are spiritual bullies and their intentions towards us are not pleasant.
Movies have programmed many of us to fear encounters with the spirits.
Fear is always the worst way to react to such experiences. We fear what we don’t understand.
With a shamanic perspective on spiritual encounters, we can come to understand the spirits and the mechanics of their world.
We can replace our fear with a more rational and compassionate approach.
This produces a much better outcome for all.
Do you feel you have been trespassed on? It is a far more common occurrence than most might think.
Let’s talk about it.
Book your free consultation and let’s get you seeing the spirits through a wider lens of understanding.