The Shaman Chronicles
Stories of the great adventures of the shaman were passed down through the ages. They contain wisdom and guidance wrapped inside thrilling tales that are intended to capture the imagination. Their stories are crafted to help heal the tribe, as well as carry the ancient knowledge down through the ages.
It is the goal of The Shaman Chronicles to bring this beloved tradition of shamnic storytelling into the modern era.
The medicine is in the stories. (Ancient Shamanic Belief)

STIAN: A short story from The Shaman Chronicles
by Mark Lemohr (Author), Kylie Gibson (Illustrator), Douglas Homer (Illustrator), Purple Pen (Editor), & 1 more | Format: Kindle Edition.
A looming religious war has brought a terrible threat to the children of Odin. The most powerful of Norway’s holy men has been dispatched with a flotilla of longboats to strike at the heart of the enemy, in an attempt to stem the coming bloody red tide before it flows north, bringing with it an end to their ways of worship.

ENAPAY: A short story from The Shaman Chronicles
by Mark Lemohr (Author), Kylie Gibson (Illustrator), Douglas Homer (Illustrator), Purple Pen (Editor), & 1 more | Format: Kindle Edition
As a strong, maturing young man, Enapay must find the balance between servitude to his people and the needs of his family. His power is growing and his connection to all living things is beyond compare, but the struggle between his heart and his mind brings him unrest…

SOUL PIECES: A short story from The Shaman Chronicles
by Mark Lemohr (Author), Kylie Gibson (Illustrator), Douglas Homer (Illustrator), Purple Pen (Editor), & 1 more | Format: Kindle Edition
The fear of persecution by the Catholic Church has forced the Waldensians into the hills of France, where they huddle in caves awaiting word from Rome granting permission for the right to practice their beliefs in their own homes. Their leader, Pierre Vaudes de Lyon, must choose between staying in hiding or riding out to ask the King of France for protection should the church decide to condemn them as heretics. A strange and powerful force is building…

THE VILLAGE: A short story from The Shaman Chronicles
by Mark Lemohr (Author), Kylie Gibson (Illustrator), Douglas Homer (Illustrator), Purple Pen (Editor), & 1 more | Format: Kindle Edition
The time has come for the great Shaman Matoskah to present his group of young and talented students at the Choosing Ceremony where Creator will select one young hopeful as his successor…