Article 23: Meet My Amazing Little Buddy Aiden

He inspires me to no end.

Aiden was born with a set of health challenges that are beyond comparison to the rest of us.

They are debilitating to a huge degree, but yet he greets each day with this incredible smile that grounds me and immediately warms my heart every time I see it.

His amazing and extremely dedicated mother Stephanie reached out to me through a mutual friend and asked if there was anything I could do to help control his seizures.

I worked on Aiden for two months and was unable to produce any positive outcomes for him.

It was difficult to walk away, but I stopped working on him.

Fast forward to one year later and Aiden crossed my mind.

What if his brain was not the cause of the seizures, what if it was his nervous system that needed my attention and focus?

I use this approach when working with migraine sufferers and it works extremely well to fix them.

I contacted Stephanie and offered to try it with Aiden to see if we could find a breakthrough.....and boy-oh-boy did we ever!

His progress has been off the charts!

He is gaining physical strength that he never had before in his life.

He is forming words.

He sings now. (insert melting heart image here)

His body is growing.

His seizures have been seriously decreased.

His caregivers see it....everyone around him sees it.

He has even started to act like a bit of a defiant teen by staging a few minor protests towards doing his homework. This shows his brain expanding to develop new scenarios within his thoughts.

I am always pleased as punch when the work improves anyone's life, but this set of wins is special to my heart.

It's as if the Universe is rewarding him for his incredible nature that he exudes, while facing problems that the rest of us could not imagine.

I am both excited and encouraged to see where this will all lead for Aiden.

If we never quit, we create the chance to see miracles happen.

Being a shaman and an energy healer has to be the very best job in the world.

I am humbled by the incredible healing capabilities that lie within all of us.

We were born to fix ourselves and others.

Practice on creating the intention and developing the focus, and the Universe provides the magic.

Go Aiden! 


Article 24: Choosing Instead


Article 22: The Head and the Heart